Category: Addiction Treatment

The Role of Virtual Reality in Addiction Treatment

Traditionally, addiction treatment has relied on talk therapy, medication, and support groups. However, with the advancement of technology, new treatment methods are being developed to help patients overcome addiction. One such method is the use...

Are There Support Groups for Families of Addicts?

When a family member who is part of your support system begins using drugs or alcohol and it is causing problems with his or her life and the lives of those around that person, you...

Coping with an Anxiety Disorder in Addiction Recovery

Most people with alcohol or substance use disorder (SUD) and anxiety disorders experience them independently. However, having both can be an unending cycle where the symptoms of one disorder make the symptoms of the other...

Tips for Finding Rehab Center near Buckhannon WV

So you've admitted that you have a problem and decided to seek help. Now you just need to find a good rehab center near Buckhannon WV to recover at. But where should you look? And...

Rehab Journey in WV: Relapse, Triggers and Coping

Addiction is a disease that can completely take over a person’s life. It affects not only the individual but also their family and friends. Addiction can be difficult to overcome, but with the help of...


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