Category: Recovery Resources

Addiction recovery is a long-term process that will continue for many years after treatment. Aftercare programs for substance abuse are any ongoing care once a person leaves treatment. The most common forms of aftercare include...

Mental Health and Addiction Issues in the LGBTQ+ Community

Mental health and addiction issues are common concerns for people from all walks of life. However, for members of the LGBTQ+ community, these issues can be particularly challenging to navigate. Despite the progress made in...

Helpful Tips for Moms in Recovery

If you are one of the moms in recovery facing numerous obstacles, know that you're not alone. From societal stigma to mental help, there are many reasons that explain why mothers have it harder when...

Coping with Anger in Addiction Recovery

Managing anger is an essential aspect of addiction treatment, as uncontrolled anger can lead to relapse and hinder long-term recovery. The process of addiction recovery can be challenging, and individuals in recovery may experience heightened...

Signs You’re Enabling a Loved One’s Addiction

Having a loved one who is struggling with addiction can be a challenging and painful experience. It is normal to want to help them in any way possible, but sometimes, our actions can unintentionally contribute...


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The Role of Church and Spirituality in Recovery Journey

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