Category: Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism in West Virginia Veterans: Risk Factors and Treatment

In West Virginia, where the veteran community is integral to the state's identity, the impact of alcoholism is profound. It affects not only the individuals struggling with addiction but also their families and the wider...

Does Alcohol Cause Memory Loss?

We've all been there – those nights filled with laughter, good company, and maybe a few too many drinks. But have you ever found yourself waking up the next morning with a foggy recollection of...

The Trouble with Wine Mom Culture in Marietta OH

Sipping a glass of wine after a long day may seem harmless. However, the rising trend of normalizing excessive alcohol consumption, particularly among mothers, has revealed a troubling aspect of our society. As one of...


Alcohol is a widely consumed beverage with a long history of social and cultural significance. While moderate alcohol consumption can be part of a healthy lifestyle, it is important to recognize when drinking crosses the...

The Stigma of Alcoholism Among Seniors in West Virginia

Alcoholism, a shadowy affliction, doesn't pick favorites based on age or status. It threads its way across all age groups, casting its net wide. Yet, when we discuss substance abuse, the senior populace's struggles frequently...


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How to Prepare for Rehab

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Addiction Among First Responders

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Drugs Associated with Violent Acts

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Most Commonly Abused Drugs Among Millennials

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Shame and Vulnerability: Empowering Through Recovery

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