Category: Addiction Therapy

Enlisting the help of a substance addiction treatment program is a significant step toward recovery, one that entails considerable strength. The thought of coming face to face with your demons and transforming your lifestyle in...

Rehab For Professionals

Substance abuse does not discriminate. Corporate professionals such as doctors, lawyers, politicians, and others in healthcare may find themselves abusing alcohol or drugs. Certain drug and alcohol treatment programs are customized for professionals to provide...


Substance abuse happens when a person doesn’t drink or take drugs properly. This form of substance misuse includes excessive consumption or incorrect use of alcohol, prescription medicine, and other legal and illegal substances. Unfortunately, alcohol...


Relapse starts before you think it does. When a person is said to relapse, often the assumption is their actual physical return to active addiction. Yet it’s not that simple. In reality, many thoughts, emotions,...

Are Porn Addiction and Substance Addiction Related?

You probably think of “addiction” as a term related to drug and alcohol use. However, it actually describes substance abuse and some compulsive behaviors. This includes the consumption of pornography. Watching porn can become just...


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Addressing the Dangers of Benzodiazepine Overuse

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