
Substance Abuse Addiction Rehab Treatment

Harmony Ridge offers comprehensive and specialized substance abuse treatment to support individuals on their journey towards lasting recovery and improved well-being.


The decision to leave addiction behind and start a new life is already the first sign of progress. If you’ve happened to be the one in need of a substance abuse treatment WV residents find trustworthy – congratulations on your courage.  If, on the other hand, your loved one is someone in need of recovery, rest assured you’re at the right address. At Harmony Ridge Recovery Center, we understand that it takes tremendous mental and emotional strength to muster before seeking professional help.

a person speaking to a close relative
It takes time, patience, and treatments to help a recovering individual overcome a substance abuse problem.

By relying on proven and effective methodology, we approach all pillars of addiction, aiming to help each lay a foundation for a healthier life and brighter future. Having said that, we want you to know that once you begin your recovery journey, our team will be there to assist you or your loved one every step of the way.

Addiction treatment programs will combine several different types of therapies and counseling, depending on what exactly the patient will need. Some examples of therapies that will be within addiction treatment programs include family, group, visual, and cognitive-behavioral therapies. Addiction treatment services won’t be the same for everyone, therefore each addiction rehab patient will undergo different types of therapies until the solution is found.

Addiction rehab centers help individuals that are struggling with addiction achieve recovery. That way substance abuse no longer rule such people’s lives. 

Drug addiction will change people’s behaviors, ultimately affecting their relationships, work, and school. Drug addiction treatment programs offering therapy and counseling will help patients reverse negative behaviors so that they can regain their healthy lives.

The process from day one to the moment you leave drug addiction treatment centers will be both tough and essential to achieving the primary goal, lifetime sobriety. It’s critical that if you truly want to overcome drug addiction, you’ll need to have a realistic and clear understanding of what to expect.

overcome addiction, you’ll need to have a realistic and clear understanding of what to expect.

people in the group therapy making a conversation
Communicating during rehab enables you to pool your ideas and see problems from different perspectives.

Understanding and Defining Addiction


There are three main points about substance abuse treatment to understand, it’s chronic and relapsing, compulsive behaviors characterize it, and it will lead to harmful consequences.

Further Detail on Each of the Three Main Points About Substance Abuse and How They Differ From Casual Drug Use

Chronic and relapsing
One aspect that differentiates casual substance use from addiction is the fact that drug addiction is often chronic and relapsing. For most addicts, relapse is a way of life. Treatment professionals estimate that most recovering addicts will only have up to a 60% chance of staying clean after becoming sober. Casual drug users though won’t be nearly as compelled to go back to using substances as addicts do. They may, though, be able to use marijuana or cocaine just a few times and not need it again for years.

Compulsive behaviors
When an individual becomes diagnosed with a clinical addiction to substances, this means his or her brain changes on a physical level, and those changes will make it nearly impossible to maintain self-control when it comes to substance use and substance abuse treatment. That person will be powerless in the face of cravings and won’t have the willpower to stop using.

Casual substance users will choose to use recreationally, and once done, feel like they don’t need to use again. And to be able to make that choice is the deciding factor in whether addiction is present and if an addiction treatment program is needed.

Harmful consequences
Finally, addiction leads to adverse outcomes and negative impacts on the user’s life. An individual with a substance use issue may start having severe run-ins with the law. They may also start alienating friends and family. Or maybe they’ll put their safety and the safety of others in jeopardy. Despite all these apparent downfalls though, they will continue to use.

Casual drug users, however, can willingly stop drug use whenever it becomes a severe issue in their lives. They are also less likely to use at inappropriate or dangerous times like when working or before operating a vehicle.

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What Our Substance Abuse Treatment WV Entails


We tackle all pillars of substance abuse and work on each of them separately:

  1. The individual in the process of recovering has to undergo a physical detox. Besides mandatory abstinence, this step includes the gradual development of self-care.
  2. The psychological aspect represents the most challenging stages of a recovery process. At this stage, the individual is faced with habits and actions that led them toward substance abuse with the help of a therapist. This state is the most crucial and involves immense support and care from loved ones.
  3. Emotions play a prominent role in one’s addictive behavior. Besides mental hygiene, the recovering individual learns the importance of emotional well-being. Once suppressed emotions get uncovered, the individual learns how to process them and cope with them in a healthier way.
  4. Re-integration into society is the last, but not the east, stage of a substance abuse recovery. Regular therapy sessions, newly-found life purpose, and healthy habits are necessary for recovering patients to remain on the right path. Thus we provide post-recovery sessions during which we equip a patient with a set of skills. The final purpose is to teach patients how to help themselves, combat cravings, and make better choices for themselves each day.

Recovering from substance abuse takes time, patience, and the innovative combination of treatments we provide here at Harmony Ridge. During the process of recovering, we take good care of a patient’s mental well-being and monitor the progress, as well as possible setbacks. Collected data serve to further improve patients’ recovery journey. That is how we are able to provide a patient with skills that enable them to regain control of their life.

The Four Phases of Addiction Rehab Treatment Practices


Here at Harmony Ridge Recovery Center, we care about your long-term sobriety and the full healing of the body, mind, and soul. This reason motivates us to offer help at every step of the drug and alcohol recovery process.

The Path of Recovery During Addiction Treatment Is Split Into Four Distinct Phases Which Will Include:

  • Assessment
  • Detoxification
  • Rehabilitation
  • Aftercare


The moment patients check into alcohol rehab centers, they will go through an evaluation by a team of counselors, therapists, doctors, and supporting staff. This alows us to begin building on the patient’s individualized treatment plan.

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Before the addiction rehab process starts, detoxification will be necessary to flush the body of any harmful substances. For some patients, the detox process could be dangerous and must be carried out by a trusted licensed treatment facility under a medical staff’s guidance.

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Flushing substances from the patient’s system is just the beginning of the overall healing process. Rehabilitation will involve getting the core issues that fuel the patient’s addiction through therapy sessions.

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The primary goal of aftercare is to ensure the transformation that came about during the rehab process cylinders. Aftercare involves taking steps to ensure that the skills that were learned during rehab at a rehab center to become a part of everyday life.

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Contact Harmony Ridge Today!

The first step toward achieving recovery is to reach out to one of the rehabs in WV that can get you on the track to recovery. Our admissions team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Give us a call today!

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The 10 Most Common Addictions


Let’s face it; nobody thinks that recreational substance use will turn into a full-blown addiction. But sadly, the nature of using means an eventual recreational use will more than likely turn into an addiction. People every day, find themselves addicted to substances for one reason or another. Listed below are six of the more common addictive substances used worldwide and the method of how they work.

10 of the More Popular Substances That Carrying High Addiction Rates Include:

Tobacco (Nicotine)
Nicotine addiction isn’t known to be as harmful as other substance addictions. The reason being is tobacco products are easy to get legally, and the side effects of abuse take a more extended period to develop. Tobacco use takes more lives than any other addictive substance does. The majority of smokers are unable to quit despite knowing the impact that it has on their bodies. Wanting to discontinue tobacco use but being powerless to its effects is a telltale sign of addiction.

Due to drinking being such a social acceptance, alcohol addiction is a little harder to spot. Despite being legal to purchase, alcohol consumption has a high potential for addiction and also puts users at many health risks along with addiction. Abusing alcohol has many negative consequences. In addition to fatalities from liver disease and alcohol overdose, thousands of lives are claimed by drunk driving per year.

With marijuana being legalized, the majority of states have made its use much more socially acceptable. This legal trend distracts individuals from marijuana’s addictive potential. The addiction rates of cannabis might also be growing due to its increased potency that has grown over the last decade.

Prescription drugs like OxyContin, Vicodin, and Codeine are primarily prescribed to treat pain. Painkiller addiction will usually develop from following directions and taking harmless levels of the drug. Most patients who develop prescription drug addiction will not realize they have a problem until they stop usage. Many addictions stem from painkiller abuse due to individuals taking painkillers without a prescription.

Although cocaine addiction in the United States has continued to drop, the decline is slow, and it is still estimated that over 1 million Americans still have a cocaine addiction. Crack cocaine, which is more intense and less expensive than regular cocaine, is the top reason for many crippling addictions that turn fatal.

Heroin’s severe withdrawal symptoms will add extreme difficulty in trying to quit suddenly. Heroin, which is a form of opioid, has one of the highest addiction rates making users often hooked after just the first time using it. Treating heroin addiction at addiction rehab will usually require a combination of medications and therapy. Through medication and addiction therapy, addiction rehab centers will be able to help individuals manage their withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings.

Benzos such as Klonopin, Xanax, Diazepam, and Valium are prescribed as drugs that regulate mood and manage conditions like stress and anxiety. Benzos are extremely dangerous due to their powerful impact on the brain’s chemical balances. Withdrawal from benzos without medical assistance during the detox process could be extremely uncomfortable and sometimes fatal.

Prescription drug stimulants like Ritalin or Adderall have the same effect as illegal street drugs like methamphetamine. These drugs are all extremely addictive and bring intense withdrawal symptoms, which makes quitting extremely difficult. Stimulant users will quickly build a tolerance to the substance euphoric high, which will lead to increased usage and the risk of overdose.
Addiction to inhalants is most dangerous because inhalants are volatile toxic substances. The effects of substances from aerosols, gasoline, and household cleaning products are so intense that they may have immediate consequences, which will include hospitalization or death. The chemicals within inhalants could linger in the brain and body long after stopping usage, which makes a complete recovery more difficult at rehab programs.

Sedatives (Barbiturates)
Millions of prescription barbiturate sedatives are given to Americans as sleeping pills to help treat tension and sleep disorders. Yearly, thousands of prescription sedative users will build up a tolerance which turns into addiction from drugs like Ambien and Lunesta. To continually use sleeping pills may produce mind-altering effects that make sleeping impossible without the drug and could lead to long-term abuse. Therefore needing long-term support at an addiction treatment center.
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Substance Abuse Withdrawal Symptoms

Substance abuse withdrawal symptoms will vary from one substance to the other. However, due to most substances targeting the same neurological processes and influencing the production of the same brain chemicals, most withdrawal symptoms will be similar. 

However, the severity of the withdrawal symptoms will depend on several things which include:

  • Specific substance abused
  • The length of the drug and alcohol addiction
  • Co-occurring mental health conditions
  • Family history with family members

The most common withdrawal symptoms will range from irritability, insomnia, sweating, depression, and an array of other uncomfortable symptoms.

Identifying Casual Use vs. Addiction


Every day, people will start using substances for a variety of reasons. Regardless of why you first started using, doing so is the problem because, eventually, it could lead to an addiction. More importantly, users are also putting themselves at risk for a host of other health issues that may develop with even just a single-use.

Casual Use

What exactly does casual substance abuse look like, and how does it differ from substance addiction?

Generally, using substances recreationally confirms the user is still in control of other habits. Instead of being motivated by cravings to use, the individual’s substance intake is more spontaneous, sporadic, and frequent. 

Here Are a Few Typical Characteristics That Will Identify Casual Drug Use Which Include:

  • Only using substances on your terms, and not any specific schedule
  • The user is not experiencing any withdrawal symptoms, even when they haven’t used for a while
  • He or she has the willpower to turn down substances when they are offered  
  • The user is not experiencing any drastic life changes due to their substance use

If any of the above characteristics apply to you or a loved one’s current pattern of substance use, he or she is probably a recreational user rather than an addict. However, it is essential to understand that addiction can happen at any time, and it can form quickly without you realizing it.

Signs of Substance Addiction


Substance abuse has, become an issue in the USA on a staggering epidemic level.  Over 20,4% of Americans have developed severe drug disorders since 2020. The age range starts as early as 12 years old. Only less than 8% seek out professional help. The National Institute for Drug Abuse records the widespread drug usage happening due to stress, hardships, traumas, and other challenging factors.

The following signs indicate a person is on the brink of substance addiction:

Physical Signs Of Addiction

  • Substances become the main coping mechanisms. Personal loss, emotional pain, constant stress, and dissatisfaction in life are some of the contributing factors that push a person to resort to substances.
  • Occasional substance use at parties turns into a habit.
  • Mood changes become difficult to manage.
  • A person slowly starts to lose interest in anything but the next fix.
  • Lifestyle becomes a pendulum swing between extreme euphoria and emotional low.
  • Prolonged substance abuse reflects externally – hair becomes weak, skin pale and fragile, nails brittle, etc.
  • Loss of appetite is also a common symptom of drug use.

Behavioral Signs Of Addiction

  • Isolating
  • Relationship issues
  • Work problems
  • Missing work
  • Missing personal engagements

Emotional Signs Of Addiction

  • Denial
  • Irritability
  • Minimization
  • Blaming
  • Argumentative
  • Defensiveness
  • Rationalizing

If any of these signs seem familiar to you or a loved one, it is time to reach out to us at Harmony Ridge and allow our team of treatment specialists at our treatment programs and treatment centers to answer and assist you through this difficult and uncharted process.

What are the reasons for not seeking help?

Asking for professional help doesn’t come as easy as it might seem. For many, complete recovery seems unreachable from the start. Furthermore, an individual abusing drugs might not feel like they deserve help and thus remain stuck in a pang of crippling guilt. Shame is another common factor hard to overcome. This is why we implement both medical and psychological treatments.

young adult person in a black hoodie
People with substance abuse problems rarely seek help by themselves.

Prescription drugs can also lead to the prolonged substance abuse issues

The common misconception is that drugs like Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine (MDMA), amphetamine, and cocaine are the most common ones among addicts. Prescription stimulants have grown in popularity among college students, especially during finals week. They are also called “study drugs” (Adderall, Dexedrine, etc.) that help students stay up all night and sharpen their focus. However, long-term abuse of these substances causes seizures, insomnia, heart problems, hallucinations, and a wide range of symptoms. Over time, the student starts to believe they cannot complete demanding exams without the boost provided by prescription stimulants.

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We Tackle Substance Abuse With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been proven as a successful approach to substance abuse. At Harmony Ridge, we use it during the psychological stage of recovery to get to the roots of patterns and behaviors that keep patients stuck in an endless addiction loop:

  1. First, we help a patient identify hardships – personal loss, mental health struggles, emotional struggles, and so on. Next, we create mini-goals and determine milestones. That way, we approach the substance issue step by step.
  2. The most challenging step for a patient is recognizing detrimental, self-destructive behaviors. The goal here is for a patient to understand the reasons that drive such behavior.

CBT techniques that further help a patient overcome substance abuse

Besides a careful and strategic approach to a patient’s psychological issues, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy puts an emphasis on self-discovery. Hobbies and new interests are vital to this phase of recovery as they give a patient a renewed sense of purpose. Only when the psychological aspects of substance abuse problems are addressed properly, it’s possible to introduce new ways of thinking, desire to learn, etc.

a person putting their sneakers on
It’s essential for a patient to embrace different, healthier ways to cope with life challenges.

Additional Services Offered


We also provide a set of additional services that may go hand in hand with substance abuse treatment WV.


Our Medical Detox is intended for long-term alcohol and drug users experiencing withdrawal unease. It’s facilitated and monitored by our experienced medical professionals, nurses, and staff. They are there to help a patient get through each stage.

Once the detox is completed, a patient gets introduced to a healthier lifestyle. Proper nutrition, physical activity, and new hobbies further keep cured patients away from relapse.

Relapse prevention

Fresh recovering individuals are at the highest risk of relapse, which is why a relapse prevention plan is essential. It serves as an anchor that helps you stay drug-free and keep living a healthier life. Our therapists will introduce you to the possible causes of relapse to watch out for (peer pressure, relationships issue, sudden loss of job…). After that, you’ll learn about a set of handy tools that will help you combat withdrawal symptoms, overcome cravings, and deal with life situations. You’ll become less and less susceptible to temptations as time goes on.

Dual Diagnosis treatment

Substance abuse and mental health issues go hand in hand. For many, recovering from substance abuse involves mental health treatment as well. At Harmony Ridge, you also have access to Dual Diagnosis treatment during which you get all the help you need.

unseen psychotherapist suggesting substance abuse treatment wv
We combine substance abuse treatment WV with psychotherapy to address the underlying roots of substance abuse.

Case management

Your recovery journey is a unique case, which is why we provide unique Case management services. They are facilitated by a case manager who helps you recognize and solve all obstacles and issues that may slow (or hinder) your progress. By doing so, you get much better equipped in dealing with further challenges that may push you to relapse.

Rehab programs

We also offer specific rehab programs depending on whom are they for:

Aftercare treatment

The first 40 days of recovery are essential for further progress. Post-recovery period involves a plethora of potential challenges a recovered person would face at some point. Hence why we provide aftercare treatment that equips a recovered person with a set of tools for a prosperous, drug-free life. This is a final stage of a substance abuse recovery journey that lasts the longest.

a therapist discussing substance abuse treatment wv with gathered family members
In addition to substance abuse treatment WV, aftercare treatment provided at Harmony Ridge helps a recovering individual remain sober.

Our post-recovery treatment includes:

  • The 12-step program, with a set of goals, keeps a recovered person on track.
  • Support from close family members and friends is an integral part of the recovering individual’s new life after years of substance abuse and self-neglect.
  • Therapy sessions.

Insurance Coverage for Substance Abuse Treatment


Our insurance coverage plan is there to help you make your recovery process financially feasible. With our counselors at your disposal, you don’t have to worry about the procedures. You’ll be given all the necessary information and guidance before you opt for either of the following  insurance plans:

  • PEIA Insurance – covers a combination of treatments (Family therapy, Group therapy, CBT, Motivational Interviewing, Contingency management, Music and Art therapy) meant for helping individuals with mental health and substance abuse issues.
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield rehab coverage insurance – Covers inpatient treatment, medical detox, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient treatment, and residential treatment.
  • Humana Insurance – The most popular insurance option.
  • Tricare Insurance – Covers an array of therapies alongside substance abuse treatment.

Feel free to contact our team

Feel free to give us a call at your earliest convenience. Our friendly and patient staff will give you all answers you seek.

support word
Our team at Harmony Ridge Recovery Center is there to support you or your loved one during recovering journey.

The doors to Harmony Ridge Recover Center are open to anyone struggling with substance abuse issues. From the moment you contact us, you get all the necessary help you need. Whether it’s your loved one who seeks treatment or yourself, be sure that we put our patient’s well-being first. Everyone partaking in some of our treatments is fully cared for and supported.

Finding Help


Do not allow one more day to pass where you or a loved one remains addicted to a dangerous substance. We know how overwhelming it can be to consider reaching out for addiction treatment but rest assured that by doing so, you’re making a decision that will potentially save a life. 

At Harmony Ridge, we provide top-of-the-line addiction rehab services that will not only help you, or a loved one stop using, but also encourage full mental, physical, and spiritual growth so that long-term recovery can be possible.

At Harmony Ridge, we can help end addictive behaviors and tendencies and introduce a happy, healthy lifestyle. Contact us today to learn more about our addiction treatment programs.

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Does substance abuse cause anxiety?

It’s debatable whether or not substance abuse causes or simply activates existing issues with anxiety. However, the experts agree that substances enhance overthinking, mild paranoia, and cause a constant feeling of unease. This especially applies to those who already struggle with anxiety.

Can substance abuse tamper with memory?

Prolonged use of drugs and prescription medications weakens cognitive processes. The individual consuming substances can have problems with both short-term and long-term memory. With proper treatment and abstinence,

Are drugs the only substances one can abuse?

No, they aren’t. For example, prescription stimulants, like Adderall, are abused among the college population. The students reportedly used them to spend the entire night studying and have more focus. Long-term usage of such drugs leads to an array of health issues and builds psychological dependence.

Is it possible to treat substance abuse at home?

Yes, but only in the beginning stages of substance abuse when the individual can willingly stop themselves from further usage. Otherwise, starting substance abuse treatment WV is required.

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